Recent water quality test results show that the Pātea River at the Scout Den is not suitable for swimming. See our Public Notice for more information...
The Scarecrow Trail, running from 1 to 17 November, is one of Taranaki’s largest scavenger hunts.
Our new crossings on Broadway are complete. But don't forget these simple safety rules...
Drop your clean plastic milk & cream bottle lids off at a participating school or ECE...
Find out how you can save water in and around your home and garden...
The Scarecrow Trail, running from 1 to 17 November, is one of Taranaki’s largest scavenger hunts. There are over 50 community-crafted scarecrows to discover in Stratford district.
At the recent Percy Thomson Trust AGM on 17 October, the following trustees were confirmed for the 2024/25 year...
Local Water Done Well (LWDW), is a programme of reforms introduced by the Government in February 2024 that replaced what was known as Three Waters Reform.
This week is Aotearoa New Zealand’s annual Recycling Week. It’s a time for us all to think about ways we can reduce the amount of waste coming out of our homes and workplaces...