Horses may be grazed anywhere in the District but they are not permitted to be ridden along roads or footpaths within the Stratford urban area. The only exception to this is if the horse is being ridden as part of an authorised public event.
There are no limit on the number of cats which may be kept on any property. It is important, however, that where cats are kept they are not permitted to create a nuisance.
There are no limits on beekeeping within the District on private property provided that they do not cause a nuisance situation and must be registered
Beehives are generally not permitted on road reserve unless a specific authorisation is given through Council, which includes the written permission of the adjoining land owners.
Free range poultry are only permitted within an area zoned Rural in the District Plan.
Poultry in urban areas (residential, rural/residential or business zoning) must be contained within a poultry house with an attached poultry run. The number of fowls is limited to 12.
Roosters are not permitted within urban.