Stratford Singers weekly practice
Stratford Singers are a friendly group who welcome new members. We are a community choir, no auditions are held and it is not a requirement to be able to read music. We'd love to have you join us and see for yourselves what enjoyment there is in singing with others.
We meet every Thursday at 7pm in the Stratford Avon Bowling Club.
If you enjoy music, singing and great fun that is good for the soul, come and join the Stratford Singers. You may have sung in choirs or entertainment groups in the past and wish to do so again - come along.
We are a community choir, no auditions are held and it is not a requirement to be able to read music. We have a wonderful, encouraging Director in Mary Williams. We strive to sing as well as we can and have a lot of fun trying. We sing soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts, sometimes all together and also as solos or small groups.
We sing a diverse range of music from all genres. A major production is undertaken annually and we regularly participate in community events, often collaborating with other singers and musical groups.
We'd love to have you join us and see for yourselves what enjoyment there is in singing with others.
Driveway between 27 & 29 Hamlet St