We’re reviewing our Victoria Park Reserve Management Plan (RMP) and throughout the month of September we want to hear from park users and the wider community on what the future of Victoria Park should look like.
Parks and Reserves Officer, Melanie McBain says, “The Victoria Park RMP is an important document that helps guide us in making both day-to-day as well as long term decisions on how the reserve is used, managed or developed.”
“Think of it like our park vision for the next 10 years,” she says. “Community input into the review of the RMP is essential. Our parks and reserves exist for the enjoyment of our community and visitors to the district. So it’s vital that we hear from as many people as possible to inform the maintenance, preservation and development of this space.”
Victoria Park is one of Stratford’s premier recreation reserves, and a lot has changed since the current RMP was adopted in 2018. The most notable changes include the construction of a new skate bowl, and the opening of the Stratford Bike Park, including pump track, basketball court, BBQ pavillion, and public toilets.
We’re in the first phase of consultation for reviewing the RMP. This engagement period is open until 27 September and asks people to think about the future of the park and provide suggestions or feedback on the following principles: Recreation; Natural Resources; Social and Cultural Values; and Facilities and Furniture.
People can head online to YourSay.Straford.govt.nz to have a say. All suggestions big and small are welcome to help inform the reviewed RMP.
“Got a suggestion to improve facilities in the park? Seen something cool at another playground that you think we should have at Victoria Park? Love everything about Victoria Park, but have an idea to make something even better? We want to hear from you!” says Melanie.
Using the feedback, we’ll build an updated draft RMP that will be shared with the community for formal consultation later this year.
There are a few ways to contribute to the Victoria Park RMP:
- Add your ideas and suggestions to the online Ideas Board or complete a short survey at YourSay.Straford.govt.nz
- Email Feedback@stratford.govt.nz
- Hard copy surveys are available to fill out at SDC facilities.
- Feedback closes 27 September 2024.